In-House Capabilities
We are proud to offer our customers a turn-key service. Fully equipped with all the essential skills and tools to take customer requirements through feasibility testing, concept design/development all the way to production-ready design.
In-house design/innovation – from concept to CAD to production
Workshop – including rapid prototyping equipment
In-house production quality control – including state of the art metrology
Production line – design and development
Test equipment – for feasibility studies and research & development

Company History
Quantex’s history is rooted in award-winning product innovation and its success is due to a continuous improvement R&D programme to develop its patented core technology.
Quantex Founder and CEO, Dr Paul Pankhurst, graduated from the Royal College of Art with a Design Engineering Degree and immediately started his design group ‘PDD’. This product innovation company grew to 75 staff to become the largest design consultancy in the UK focused on innovation. PDD won multiple annual awards year after year, including many ‘IF’ and ‘RedDot’ awards.
Over the years running the design consultancy Paul rolled out several spin-out manufacturing companies: one example is Keymat Technology (completely waterproof keyboard with only two components for environmentally toughened portable computers), and this company continues to thrive. Paul knew immediately that a fixed displacement rotary pump manufactured entirely from plastic had enormous potential and founded Quantex to commercialise this new concept. He organised a management buy-out of PDD in order to invest all his time into this game-changing invention: dispensing liquids using a pump that was so inexpensive to manufacture it could be considered a single-use device.
After 10 years of R&D, and 122 global patents later, Quantex is working with some of the world’s largest blue-chip organisations in Refill, Food & Beverage and Consumer and Industrial, delivering bespoke and off-the-shelf disposable pumps with custom fixtures and fittings.

Quality Certifications
Quantex is committed to the highest level of quality and service to its customers. Innovation and continuous improvement across all areas of our business are central to our offering, and we accomplish these goals through careful adherence to our quality management processes.
Quantex is certified to ISO 9001 for the design, manufacture, technical support & sales of disposable pumps/accessories for fluids. Our manufacturing location is in Duisburg, Germany – shared by PSG sister brands, Almatec, PSG Biotech, Quattroflow, & Hydro. Please refer to the PSG Germany Quality Certificate.